Friday, January 30, 2009

Karume to officiate at 32nd CCM anniversary in Moshi

Zanzibar President Amani Abeid Karume is expected to officiate tomorrow at the launching of celebrations to mark the 32nd Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) anniversary which will be held in Moshi municipality.

According to CCM Secretary General Yusuf Makamba, the countrywide celebrations reach climax on Februay 7 in Shinyanga where President Jakaya Kikwete, who is also CCM National Chairman, will be the Chief Guest.

Mr Makamba said that one of the highlights during the climax of the celebrations was a nationwide solidarity walk intended to sponsor Mr Kikwete. The walk will begin at 6.00 am at designated centres for all CCM members, he elaborated.

The CCM Secretary General said all CCM regional authorities would be required to present implementation report emanating from seven directives which were issued by CCM National Chairman in Zanzibar last year. Mr Makamba mentioned one of such directives as that which requires CCM to ensure that its election manifesto and pledges to Tanzanians were satisfactorily implemented to the letter.

Chairman Kikwete also expressed the need for CCM members to prepare themselves for this year’s local government elections and readying themselves for next year's general election. Other directives included to improve and update permanent voters’ registers and ensure that CCM members register themselves ready for forthcoming elections.

CCM was also directed to foster and strengthen cordial relationship with the opposition camp as plural politics did not imply enmity, hatred or absence of cooperation among political parties. Monitoring of leadership code of ethics and waging a relentless war against graft and grand corruption, implementation of CCM projects and supervising elections of CCM wings were other directives issued by President Kikwete.




Wiki hii nimejiunga na Chama cha kisiasa, nimepata kadi yangu ya uanachama wa CCM. Hatua hii haikuwa ndogo maana nina rafiki yangu ambaye alinilaumu na kunitukana ati kwa nini najiunga na CCM wakati ni chama kibovu kwa mtazamo wake. Nikamwambia mie mtu mzima na nina maamuzi yangu. Alinicheka tu na kuniita “mtu mzima ovyo”.
Lakini swali alilouliza rafiki yangu Ngoge wakati tupo kwenye mkutano wa kukabidhiwa kadi zetu ni kwamba sisi sote tuliopo nje ya Tanzania baada ya kujiunga na CCM, tuna nia gani za kujiunga na kama zipo tutatimiza vipi nia hizo. Swali hili kwa kweli lilileta mtafaruku maana kila mtu aliongea lake na ubishi ulikuwa juu!
Nia za kujiunga zilizotamkwa na watu zilikuwa nyingi. Zao mzee wa kinywaji alisema yeye kajiunga ili awe salama, “haujui huko mbele itakuwaje, lazima ujikinge na kikadi” ndivyo alivyosema Zao. Manembo yeye alisema kajiunga kwa kuwa hakuna chama kingine cha siasa chenye uongozi walau madhubuti, nchi nae yeye anapenda sana kushiriki kisiasa na ana mchango mkubwa sana kwa Tanzania na sista duu Katrina yeye hakuwa na aibu alisema waziwazi kuwa yeye kafuata mkumbo, “shoga yangu kajiunga na mimi nimejiunga, kuna ubaya?” alisema na kuuliza Katrina. Kwa kweli nia zote ni nzuri, na mimi siwezi kumuhukumu mtu yeyote kuhusu nia yake ya kujiunga ili mradi nia haisababishi matatizo kwa mwingine, kama wanavyosema waswahili “nia ni nia tu”
Lakini nia aliyoisema Majuto ilinivutia kidogo. Yeye alisema anataka kuiendeleza nchi yetu Tanzania na kwa mtazamo wake alisema itakuwa rahisi sana kufanya mabadiliko nchini kupitia CCM maana ni chama chenye maadili na mapenzi mema kwa wananchi ambayo viongozi wake wote wakiyafuata nchi ya Tanzania itaendelea na kubadilika sana. Alisema nia yake ni kuendeleza umoja na mshikamano na kuleta maendeleo kwa yeyote ambaye ataweza kumgusa, aliongea mengi sana mazuru na kila mtu alivutiwa sana na alichosema.
Mgema ambaye alikuwa kimya kwa muda kidogo alifumbua kinywa na kuja na hoja iliyochangamsha wote waliopo. Yeye alisema nia zote tulizonazo sisi tuliojiunga na CCM nje ya nchi ni nzuri lakini kama hatuna mikakati ya kuzitimiza, nia zote ni bure. Alisema lazima tuwe na mikakati ya kuzitimiza ili nia zisiwe ndoto tu bali ziwe ndoto zilizogeuka kuwa kweli.
Sasa hapa ndio shida inapokuja, maana moja ya matatizo ni kwamba tupo mbali na nje ya Tanzania, na wahenga wanasema fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka. Lakini Katrina hakukubaliana na huu msemo na akaja na agenda kwamba mtu mwenye shabaha anaweza kuirusha hiyo fimbo na ikatua katikati ya kichwa cha nyoka na kumuua, kila mtu alicheka. Swali likawa je ni mikakati gani waliyonayo waliopo nje ya Tanzania, wenye kadi za CCM na wanataka kuendeleza Tanzania katika njia moja au nyingine, wanaweza kuitumia ili kuleta maendeleo?
Kimoja alichosema Majuto ni kuwekeza Tanzania. Alisema tutaisaidia sana Tanzania kama tutapeleka fedha za kigeni na kuwekeza Tanzania aidha kwa kumsomesha ndugu, jamaa na marafiki, kwa kununua hisa au kuanzisha biashara. Ila alionya kuwa hili si swala dogo na pia linahitaji uchunguzi, uaminifu na utumiaji wa akili na hekima, ila linawezekana. Mgema yeye alisema sisi wa nje tunaweza kuwaelimisha na kupata elimu kutoka kwa wenzetu wa nyumbani kwa kutumia teknolojia mbalimbali. Alisema kwa kutumia teknolojia tunaweza pia kuitangaza nchi yetu ili watalii wakaenda kuitembelea na watu wanaoweza kuwekeza wakaenda kuwekeza.
Jambo kubwa ambalo lilizua mzozo alilizungumza Ngendewa. Yeye alisema nia yake ya kujiunga na CCM ni kurudi nyumbani na kusaidia iwezekanavyo. Magambo alimrushia kijembe kuwa asitegemee eti kwa kuwa yeye yupo nje basi akirudi Tanzania atapata ubunge. Hata hivyo Ngendewa alisema kama yeye anataka kwenda nyumbani akawe mbunge atakuwa chizi maana kwanza amekaa nje muda mrefu na hajua kwa undani matatizo na matakwa na mengi tu ya watu, hivyo akiwa mbunge hatakuwa kwenye nafasi nzuri ya kuongoza. Alisema yeye anakwenda ili ajiweke karibu na wananchi, awasaidie na wamsaidie kwa namna moja au nyeingine, anajiweka karibu na matatizo wanayoyakabili Watanzania na karibu na kuyatatua, anajiweka karibu na watu watakaoweza kunufaika na elimu yake ya nje nay eye kunufaika na elimu ya Watanzania, anajiweka karibu na hali nzuri ya kuchunguza na kufahamu vitega uchumi nyenye faida ili kuwekeza, na anajiweka karibu na kuleta maendeleo na kukemea maovu.
Kila mtu aliona Ngendewa ameongea la maana, lakini Ngendewa aliuliza je kuna mtu yeyote atakuwa tayari kuungana naye kurudi nyumbani, wote tukawa kimya. Oh! mimi naitwa Mwisomba.

Freddie Mwisomba.
United state of america.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Salamu kutoka hong kong

Picha hii imepigwa leo usiku na msomaji wetu kutoka Hong Kong. Ukitaka kuona vizuri bonyeza kwenye picha.
(Ahsante sana msomaji wetu kwa salamu na picha hii)
President Barack Obama signed a new pay-equity measure into law Thursday, effectively overturning a 2007 Supreme Court decision that made it harder to sue for pay discrimination.
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, named for a former Goodyear Tire employee who sued the company for gender discrimination in 1998, is the first bill signed by Obama.
"It is fitting that with the very first bill I sign ... we are upholding one of this nation's first principles: that we are all created equal and each deserve a chance to pursue our own version of happiness," Obama said at a ceremony in the East Room of the White House.
"If we stay focused, as Lilly did, and keep standing for what's right, as Lilly did, we will close that pay gap and ensure that our daughters have the same rights, the same chances, and the same freedom to pursue their dreams as our sons."
The new law removes a provision requiring employees seeking equal pay to file a complaint within 180 days of receiving their first unfair paycheck.
Under the measure, employees instead have the right to file within 180 days of their most recent paycheck.
Supporters of the Ledbetter Act have argued that, under the old standard, an employer merely needed to hide unfair pay practices for three months before being able to continue them without penalty forever.
Lilly Ledbetter was awarded $360,000 in back pay by a federal judge in Alabama, but the verdict was overturned in a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in May 2007.
The court said that even though she filed her complaint within 180 days of when she first learned that she was getting paid less than comparable male employees, she had failed to file within 180 days of the first unequal paycheck.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, the Ledbetter Act proved to be a significant point of contention between Obama and Republican nominee Sen. John McCain. Obama heavily emphasized what he called the plan's benefits to working women, while McCain criticized it as a boon for trial lawyers.
Obama later danced with Ledbetter at one of his inaugural balls. She also spoke at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
"My case is over. I will never receive the pay I deserve," Ledbetter said in that speech. "But there will be a far richer reward if we secure fair pay for our children and grandchildren, so that no one will ever again experience the discrimination that I did."
Mmoja wa waratibu wa mambo ya uongozi na uhusiano toka Vodacom Mwamvua Mlangwa akizungumza na baadhi ya makamanda wa jeshi la polisi walipotembelea makao makuu ya Vodacom jijini Dar es salaam kujifunza mambo kadhaa ya uongozi. maafisa hao wako katika kozi yao inayoendelea kwenye bwalo la maafisa ya jeshi hilo jijini Dar es salaam.

Dar es salaam.
Mbunge mpya wa Mbeya vijijini Mh. Luckson Mwanjale akiapishwa jana bungeni mjini Dodoma jana. Mwanjale aliapa jana ikiwa ni siku yake ya pili tangu kuanza kuhudhulia kikao hicho cha bunge kinachoendelea katika mji mkuu huo wa Tanzania.

Moja kati ya Madiwani waliopata nafasi ya kuteta jambo na Mh. Jk Kikwete bwana Hashim Mbonde akielezwa jambo na mkuu muda mchache kabla ya rais Jk kuondoka ukumbini hapo. Hayo yalijiri jana jiji Dar es salaam wakati wa chakula maalum kilichoandaliwa na Madiwa hao
wa mkoa wa Dar es saalam.
Dar es salaam.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Waziri wa viwanda, biashara na masoko Dr. Mary Nagu akionyeshwa bidhaa mbalimbali zinazozalishwa Tanzania na mmoja wa wakurugenzi wa Shrijee's bwana Vasant Shivji. Shrijee's ni moja kati ya maduka machache yanayojaribu kuuza bidhaa za Tanzania nje ya Tanzania.



Tume ya taifa ya uchaguzi imemtangaza rasmi mchungaji Luckson Mwanjali kuwa mbunge wa jimbo la Mbeya vijijini. Mwanjali pichani anatarajiwa kwenda mapema bungeni mjini Dodoma rasmi kwa shughuli za bunge zilizoanza leo mjini hapo.


Sunday, January 25, 2009


Ndugu wajumbe, nimeona niulete kwenu mjadala huu ili kwa pamoja tuweze kujadili;
Hivi karibuni rais wa Jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania Mh. JK Kikwete akiwa ziarani Zanzibar aliwaambia ndugu zetu wa Pemba kwamba huenda ikawachukua muda mrefu wapinzani kuongoza dola visiwani humo.
Kwa mtazamo wangu, rais aliyasema hayo akijaribu kuwasihi jamaa zetu wa Pemba kushirikiana na serikali ya chama tawala yaani CCM katika shughuli za maendeleo kwani maendeleo hayo ni kwa ajili yao wao wenyewe na kutoyashughulikia ni kujirudisha nyuma wao wenyewe.
Lakini pia Mh. Kikwete kama mwenyekiti wa chama cha Mapinduzi Taifa anapaswa kuwa na ndoto hizo kwamba CCM itaongoza kwa muda mrefu, sio tu Zanzibar bali pia Bara kwani amekua akijaribu kutimiza ahadi na matarajio ya watanzania toka kuingia kwake madarakani akitambua kwamba hiyo ndio njia pekee wa kuifanya CCM kuwepo madarakani kwa muda mrefu.
Lakini baadhi yetu tumekuja juu na kudai kwamba kauli hii ni ya kibabe na mambo kadha wa kadha.
Wajumbe mna maoni gani katika hili?

Ndejembi Michael.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Reports that locals are excluded in employment opportunities in some tourist hotels here yesterday upset President Jakaya Kikwete, prompting him to direct the relevant authorities to take appropriate measures to ensure Tanzanians benefit fairly from investment projects.

The president was reacting to a complaint by the Sheha of Nungwi, Mr Kombo Haji Ali, that hotels there rejected employing residents of the area and that most of their staff were foreigners mainly from Kenya and Uganda.
Mr Kikwete who had called the Sheha to tell him what problems faced the people in the Shehia, said the country should put in place procedures that would enable it reap maximum benefits from its tourism industry which was one of the country’s leading sectors of the economy.

He said investment projects were supposed to have backward and forward linkages to the economy which included payment of taxes, provision of employment and market for locally produced commodities.
“We should therefore be strict and negotiate for terms that will benefit our country and the people in the best possible way,” he said, challenging the authorities concerned to do away with inferiority complex and sit on the negotiating tables shoulders high.
Tuma Abdalah,

Tanzania bans healers to curb albino murders

Tanzania has revoked the licences of all its traditional healers in a drive to stop killings of albinos by people who reportedly use their body parts for witchcraft, local media said on Saturday.

The move came just days after the latest murder of an albino man in the northwestern Mwanza region, a remote area bordering Lake Victoria where old superstitions run deep. That brought the national death toll to at least 40 since mid-2007.

Police and albino rights groups say the killers sell body parts including limbs, hair, skin and genitals to witch doctors for use in rituals.

"These witch doctors are big liars. If they were genuine healers many diseases would have been reduced,Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda as saying in Shinyanga, one of the worst hit areas. "Instead, the country has many diseases and worse, they are fanning albino killings."

Albinos lack a pigment in their eyes, skin or hair which renders them especially vulnerable to skin cancer and burns, and makes life particularly difficult in sun-drenched east Africa.

The Tanzanian authorities have arrested more than 90 people in recent months -- including four police officers -- who are suspected of killing albinos or of trading in their body parts.

There are thought to be more than 200,000 albinos in the country, which has a total population of 40 million. The violence has also spread to neighbouring states, with at least one albino murder each in Burundi and Kenya last year.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The Sauti ya Umma (SAU) party said yesterday that it intends to take the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) to court, following allegations that one of its leaders recently insulted the SAU candidate in the Mbeya Rural by-elections.

Speaking at a press conference here yesterday, SAU Regional Secretary, Mr Wilson Kapakala, said that they will sue Utengula Usongwe councellor Mr Jackob Mwakasole, who, SAU alleges that he insulted her candidate, Ms Subi Mwakapiki on January 15 this year.

“CCM will also be taken to court as the insults were done on the CCM campaign rally,” claimed Mr Kapakala. The party is asking for the party and the councillor to pay in damage 500m/- and 200m/- respectively.

SAU which is relying on newspaper reports for evidence said if revealed that the story was concocted by the media, they will take culprits to court, demanding 500m/-. Speaking at another press conference, the registrar of Political Parties, Mr John Tendwa said that he had received complaints from SAU, and he advised the party to take legal actions.

Meanwhile, Mr Tendwa has urged all political parties taking part in Mbeya Rural by-elections, to adhere to political parties’ code of conduct during campaigns, and on the election day.

Mr Tendwa said that after staying in Mbeya for one week, he has received some complaints related to unethical conducts during campaigns, which includes pulling down party flags and campaign boards. “Both CCM and CUF have complained that their flags have been tampered with. We have talked about the issue,” explained the registrar. Mr Tendwa also urged all eligible votes in the constituency to come out in numbers on the election day, which will be held on Sunday.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


Kufuatia mfululizo huo wa ajali za barabarani mtandao huu uliwasiliana na viongozi wa serikali ili kujua msimamo wa serikali kuhusu wimbi hilo la ajali za barabarani ambalo linazidi kupoteza watu kadhaa wasiokuwa na hatia. Tulifanikiwa kumpata naibu waziri wa Miundo Mbinu Mh. Ezekiel Ndahani Chibulunje ambae alianza kwa kuelezea mtazamo wake juu ya chanzo cha mfumko huo wa ajali kuwa ni mwendo wa kasi, '' unajua maeneo mengi yanayopata ajali ni yale ambayo barabara zake ni nzuri (kiwango cha rami) ambapo madereva wengi huendesha kwa mwendo wa kasi na inapotokea dharula hushindwa kusimamisha magari na kusabisha ajali''

Akiongea kwa masikitiko makubwa Mh. Chibulunje alisema kuwa serikali kwa upande wake na hasa kupitia wizara yake inajitahidi kuhakikisha kuwa barabara zote zinakuwa na alama zote muhimu ili kumwezesha dereva kuendeshwa kwa usalama.

Akijibu swali kwamba serikali inahakiki vipi usalama wa magali hayo na uwezo wa madereva katika kuyatumia, waziri Chibulunje alisema kwamba hilo ni jukumu la watu usalama wa raia na ndio wanaoweza kulizungumzia zaidi.

Akiendele kutoa maoni yake Mh. Ezekiel Ndahani Chibulunje alisisitiza akiwataka madereva wote nchini kufuata sheria za barabarani na kwamba madereva ni binadamu wenye busara zao na wanapaswa kutumia busara hiyo pale penye mapungufu barabarani.

Alisema kuwa huo sio msimamo wa serikali bali ni mtazamo wake yeye kama Bw. Chibulunje na ikibidi serikali itatoa msimamo wake kupitia wahusika wake.

Ndejembi Michael.

Hili ni bus jingine la Tashriff T768ALW lililopata ajali siku chache zilizopita na kusabisha vifo vya watu 27 na wengine 23 kujeruhiwa vibaya. Ajali hiyo ilitokea Hale wilayani Muheza Mkoani Tanga ilisababishwa na basi hilo kuligonga loli la magogo lililokuwa limeegeshwa pembezoni mwa barabara

Ajali za barabarani zimezidi kuikumba tanzania na kupoteza makumi kadhaa ya watanzania wasio kuwa na hatia, pichani ni gari aina coster mali ya Bonite Bottlers lililoaguka na kuua watu takribani 17, 16 kati yao walikuwa abilia na mmoja kati yao alikuwa utingo wa gari hilo. 14 wengine walijeruhiwa vibaya na wamepelekwa katika hospitali ya mkoa ya Mount Meru Mkoani Arusha.


The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in Arusha has recommended disciplinary action against some of its senior leaders for inviting President Jakaya Kikwete to hand out motorcycles allegedly donated by corrupt people.

Two weeks ago, President Jakaya Kikwete declined to distribute 19 motorcycles worth Sh24 million donated to the party by businessmen one of whom is now alleged to have a role in the External Payment Arrears account (EPA) scandal. He was invited by CCM�s regional Political Committee.

The disciplinary actions proposed by the party's Ethics Committee have already been forwarded to CCM headquarters in Dodoma for further deliberations.

The recommendation, however, seems to split CCM regional leaders with a faction opposing it on premises that the donations were made in good faith and that the businessman at the centre of the controversy had been contributing to the party years before EPA.

One member of the faction opposing the recommendations for disciplinary action said: "This is unjust because the alleged controversial businessman donated to the party over Sh2 million at Impala Hotel here in Arusha shortly before the 2000 general election. Now why don�t they talk about that?"

He said if investigations were carried out on CCM's connection with EPA suspects, the party would find itself in big trouble.

"We expected that party leaders in Arusha would be praised for their innovations that have helped to get these motorcycles," said another cadre who supports the businessman.

Reliable reports have shown that most of the regional Political Committee members who invited the President for the motorcycle hand out ceremony had submitted written apologies but the Ethics Committee maintain that disciplinary measures must be taken against them.

Members of the Ethics Committee who discussed the recommendations are Arusha CCM�s chairman, Mr Onesmo Ngole, the Secretary, Mr Mohamed Mbonde, members of the National Executive Committee (Nec) in Arusha region Elishilia Kaaya, Loota Sanare, the Arusha regional commissioner, Mr Isdori Shirima and Samwel Urassa.

By Juma Mussa, Arusha.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kwa nje jengo hilo litaonekana hivi, hata hivyo bado haijafahamika ujenzi wa jengo hilo utakuwa kwa muda gani mpaka kukamilika kwake na pia litaighalimu serikali kiasi gani cha fedha

Dar es salaam.
Hivi ndivyo namna jengo hilo la Nyerere Convertion Center litakavyokuwa likionekana kwa ndani pindi litakapokamilika.

Dar es salaam.
Rais Jk akitizama picha ya jengo jipya la mikutano litakalojulikana kama Julius Nyerere Convertion center linalotajiwa kujengwa jiji Dar es salaam. kushoto kwa mh.Kikwete ni Balozi wa China nchini Tanzania bw. Liu Xinsheng .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bw. Obama akiwasili kwenye sherehe za maadhimisho ya kuapishwa kwake leo capital hill. ( picha zote na Ndejembi Michael)

Makamu wa rais wa Marekani Bw. Joe Baden akiwa na mkewe akiapa rasmi kuwa makamu wa rais wa Marekani leo asubuhi.

Watoto Malia na Sasha wakimpongeza baba yao mara baada ya Obama kuapishwa leo. Kulia ni mtoto Sasha akimpa dole gumba baba yake kuashiria kufurahia namna baba yake alivyoapa.

Rais mpya wa Marekani Bw. Baraka Obama akiwa na mkewe Bi. Michelle wakipeana mikono na Chief of justice Bw. Jhn Roberts mara baada ya Obama kuapishwa leo.

Rais mteule wa Marekani Bw. Baraka Obama akiapishwa leo katika sherehe ya maapisho hayo jiji Capital Hill Washington.

Rais Baraka Obama akitoa hutuba yake ya kwanza kama rais wa 44 wa Marekani dakika chache tu baada ya kuapishwa asubuhi hii.

Hivi ndivyo mwonekano wa eneo hili la capital hill unavyoonekana. ( picha zote na Ndejembi Michael.)

Monday, January 19, 2009

The busy Kariakoo market in Dar es salaam

The busy Kariakoo market in Tanzanian capital is stocked with merchandise - from imported car parts to handbags – and traders from across Africa come to buy imports to sell at home.



Makatibu wakuu wameanza mkutano wao leo jijini Dar es salaam maalum kwa ajili ya kujadili kero mbalimbali za muungano. Makatibu hao kutoka pande zote mbili za muungano wanakutana katika ukumbu wa ofisi ya makamu wa rais na mkutano huo unaongozwa na bi. Ruth Mollel ambae ni katibu mkuu ofisi ya makamu wa rais na Bw. Ally Rajab ambaye ni katibu mkuu ofisi ya waziri kiongozi.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Beware of those who mudsling CCM - Malechela

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Permanent Member of the Central Committee, Mr John Malacela has warned people to be aware of those accusing the party of indecent conduct, saying such accusations were hasty generalisation.

Mr Malecela acknowledged that in recent days some members of the party have been accused to have been involved in theft and graft, but he warned that it should not be generalized for all CCM members. “It is true that we have some leaders who have been accused of such acts, but it should also be noted that it is the same CCM government that has taken the accused to justice.

Our government will make sure that legal actions are taken against all those involved despite their positions,” assured Mr Malecela. The retired Prime Minister was speaking to hundreds of Ihango ward residents at a rally to campaign for the party’s Mbeya rural constituency aspirant, Rev Luckson M

wanjale. The rally was held at Idimi village, on Friday.

Mr Malacela said that it would not be fair if he too generalized that all Mbeya region residents were involved in skinning people, while it was obvious that only few members of the region committed the heinous crime. “Saints are in heaven, here we are only humans, all sorts of people with different characteristics, so one bad person should not make all bad,” said Mr Malecela.

Mr Malecela, who is also retired CCM Deputy Chairperson (Mainland) appealed to the people not to listen to anyone else after the meeting, and just wait to go to the voting polls on the 25 January. “Some people will come here to tell you lies like ‘the election is postponed,’. Do not listen to them, just guard your voting registration card and wait for the 25th to cast your vote for Mwanjale,” he said.

CCM candidate Rev Mwanjale assured the voters of his commitment to bring about development in the constituency, which was left open in November last year due to the death of CCM MP, the late Richard Nyaulawa. “The late Nyaulawa did a lot of development work, and some of that work is yet to be finished. It shoud be a candidate from CCM to finish up the good work.

I am the person to do that,” he assured them. Rev Mwanjale cautioned the voters, saying that the candidates of opposition parties only visit them during elections. He added that it was CCM which was always there, even when it was not election time. “We are here at all times, so do not waste your votes to the opposition, vote for the winning party, CCM,” he said.

Speaking earlier, the CCM Deputy Head for Propaganda Department, Mr Tambwe Hiza told the voters not to vote for Civic United Front, the ruling party’s main opponent in the election, saying that CUF had been stagnant since its establishment. “Do not let them cheat you. I know the party inside out. I was one of the party’s top national leaders for nine years.

The biggest mistake they made was to have it based in Zanzibar as you can see. All those who come here to promote their candidate are from Zanzibar,” he said. Mr Hiza added, “I know we will win this election, because I have seen many CCM members, who promised to go to the polls and vote for our candidate on the voting day.” Three parties are participating in the Mbeya rural by-elections, whereby CUF is represented by a retired TTCL engineer, Mr David Mpozi while, the Sauti ya Umma (SAU) party is represented by the only woman candidate, Ms Subi Mwakipiki.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Maandalizi kwa ajiri ya kuapishwa kwa bwana Obama kuwa rais wa Marekani yamezidi kupamba moto huku siku zikiwa zimesalia tatu tu kabla tukio hilo kufanyika rasmi jumanne wiki ijayo. Bwana Obama na ujumbe wake wamekwisha wasili Washngton dakika chache zilizopita rasmi kwa ajiri ya shughuli hiyo.


Baraka Obama na makamu wake wakiwapungia mikono wananchi kadhaa wakati wakipita katika moja ya vituo vya tren kuelekea washngton.
Rais mteure wa Marekani Baraka Obama akiwapungia mikono mamia ya wananchi waliokuwa wamejipanga pembezoni mwa reli wakati akipita katika miji mbali mbali akitokea Philadephia kuelekea Washington atakapo apishwa kuwa rais wa 44 wa Marekani. Obama ameambatana na mkewe bi. Michelle, wanawe Malia na Sasha pamoja na makam wake bwana Joe Biden na mkewe bi Jil.
hii ndivyo jiji la Nairobi lilivyokuwa likioneka siku chache zilizopita, jiji hili inaelezwa kuwa linakabiliana ushindani mkubwa wa ukuaji toka jiji la Dar es salaam.

Tatizo la miundo mbinu bado ni tatizo kubwa miongoni mwa nchi nyingi barani afrika, hii ni moja ya picha za jiji la Lagos nchi Nigeria moja ya nchi zinazosifika kwamba zinamiundo mbinu mizuri katika bara la afrika. ikumbukwe kwamba Nigeria ni moja nchi zinazotoa mafuta kwa wingi Africa na Duniani


Friday, January 16, 2009

Salamu kutoka dar es salaam

Hivi ndivyo lilivyoonekana jiji la dar-nyakati za mchana mwaka jana. Picha hizi tumetumiwa na msomaji wetu kutoka jijini dar-es-salaam. Ukitaka kuona vizuri bonyeza kwenye picha.
(Ahsante sana msomaji wetu kwa salamu na picha hizi)

TRL belongs to Tanzania, says President Kikwete

PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has lashed out at Tanzania Railway Limited (TRL) for making crucial decisions on operations of the central line without involving the government, saying the railway is not the property of TRL, but of the government of Tanzania and Tanzanians. The President said all key decisions of the railway should involve the government of Tanzania, which holds 49 per cent of TRL.

RITES company from India owns 51 per cent of the TRL shares. President Kikwete made the remarks yesterday when he met the leadership of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and that of TRL, as part of a series of meetings with various ministries to assess their performance.

He told TRL officials that Tanzania was not a minority shareholder but a majority shareholder and partner of the company and that RITES had no right, whatsoever, about what TRL decide on their own without involving the government of Tanzania. The President told TRL management, point blank, that Tanzania still owned the railway by 100 per cent and that they were just employees tasked to operate it.

At the meeting held at the State House in Dar es Salaam, Mr Kikwete explained that the government and RITES were in partnership and therefore, all decisions must be made jointly. He emphasized that the railway was the property of Tanzania and not somebody else. He emphased this after he received reports from TRL management on operational plans to be carried out.

The plans include; to get major credits for operating the railway without involving the government, to scrap off services in some areas on grounds that they are not profitable, application for more tax relief and to remove rail tracks between Tanzania and Kenya on grounds that it was not profitable.

The management also claimed that it was not getting profit in some routes , such as Tanga-Moshi-Arusha, Kahe-Taveta, Kidatu-Kilosa and Dodoma-Singida. President Kikwete said the credits must be sought after agreement between the two parties and that the government was not ready for such initiative if it (the government) would not be involved.

On plans to scrap off some routes, the President said the government leased the whole railway and not parts of the railway. He noted further that RITES conducted feasibility study before entering into partnership and therefore knew before state of profitability of all routes.

He also said that the government was not ready to offer further tax exemptions to RITES because such exemptions or relief would be uneconomical. The President also said that removal of any tracks of the railway would be tantamount to sabotage. President Kikwete states that the government want to see that all repairs of wagons are done in TRL workshop in Morogoro and not elsewhere.

Daily News;
Friday,January 16, 2009
Ndege mali ya shirika la ndege la US Air ways flight 1549 imeanguka dakika tatu tu toka ilipokuwa ikipaa ikitokea La Gardian kuelekea North Carolina jana. Ndege hiyo ilyoangukia Hudson River New york city ilikuwa na abiria takribani 148 ambao wote wameokolewa na hakuna aliyepoteza maisha wala kujeruhiwa.
Ndege ya US Airway iliyoanguka na kuzama jana imeendelea kutitia huku jitihada kubwa za kuinyanyua zikiendelea hata hivyo vikosi vyote vya usalama vilisaidiana katika kuokoa maisha ya watu na hakuna aliyepoteza maisha katika ajali hiyo kubwa ya kwanza kutokea kwa mwaka huu wa 2009.

Michael Ndejembi.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tanzanian gov't proposes to reduce bus fars by 24%

The government of Tanzania has proposed to reduce the country's bus fares by 24 percent in the wake of a decline of fuel prices at local pump stations.

The Tanzania Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority has issued a directive through its consumer consultative council on reducing bus fares.

The directive stated that since fuel prices on the global market had dropped substantially transport costs in the country must also drop to reflect the changes.

Consumer Consultative Council Chairman Gidiad Ngewe expected that after the reduction in transport costs food prices would also reduce automatically in the country due to transport reasons.

The 24-percent reduction was proposed on grounds that fuel prices at local pump stations had gone down by 28 percent so far.

Ngewe explained that his council had asked for a 14-percent reduction on bus fares due to the decline of oil prices while the other 10-percent reduction was based on other factors.

The government of Tanzania has, starting this year, begun issuing weekly indicative pricing for all filling stations in the country so as to bring down the fuel prices, which still hovered after oil prices had come down on international markets.

The government expects to bring down inflation through this move.

Fuels carry a 10-percent weight in the basket of communities that are used by the country to calculate its inflation.

Though the government had planned to bring down the country's inflation to 7 percent by June last year but the annual inflation rose to double digits in September and shot further up to 12.3 percent in November because of high fuel and food prices.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 2009 gas price per gallon in Kansas City, Missouri

The price of gasoline futures, which are a rough guide to where regional wholesale gas will be priced, was down as well to 11-cents per gallon at the exchange's closing time. One (US) gallon = 4.54609 liters (UK).

Ndejembi Michael.

Tanzania Probes Lack of Gasoline in Dar es Salaam

Tanzania government is investigating fuel shortages at some gasoline stations in the commercial capital, Dar es Salaam, citing Deputy Energy Minister Adam Malima. The shortage began on Jan. 10 and has resulted in queues forming at gas stations in the city, with some pumps running dry in the city of Dar es Salaam.

Ndejembi Michael.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Rais wa serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar Mh Abeid Karume akikagua gwaride katika sherehe za maadhimisho ya miaka 45 ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar leo.

Ndejembi Michael.

Rais Amani A. Karume akielekea uwanjani tayari kwa ukaguzi wa gwaride lilikowa rasmi kwa maadhimisho ya sherehe za mapinduzi ya Zanzibar leo.

Rais wa serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar akiwasili kwenye uwanja wa michezo wa Gombani ulioko Chake Chake Pemba - Zanzibar katika sherehe za maadhimisho ya miaka 45 ya mapinduzi Zanzibar.

Ndejembi Michael.

Zanzibar celebrates 45 years of its revolution today

As Zanzibar celebrates 45 years of its revolution today, Ali Karume, the brother of the Isles president, Amani Karume, has said his brother's government has not done well on the political terrain although economically it was on a sound track. Karume, is the Tanzanian Ambassador to Italy and the second son of the first Isles president, Abeid Amani Karume.

Ndejembi Michael,