Licha ya jitihada kubwa za halmashauri ya jiji la Houston katika kuboresha huduma mbalimbali za jamii hususani usafiri kwa raia bado tatizo hilo linaonekana kuwa sugu jijini hapa. Kwa muda mrefu sasa usafiri binafsi umekuwa ni moja kati ya vigezo vikuu katika kupata kazi hapa jijini Houston na kwamba si rahisi kwa mwajiri kukupatia kazi ikiwa unategemea usafiri wa jumuiya (public trasport).
Pichani ni moja kati ya tren ambazo hutoa huduma za ndani ya jiji la Houston katika kuwasafirisha abiria.
Ndejembi Michael.
Rail transport systems contribute to the solution of the traffic congestion and environmental pollution. Today Das es salaam population is about five million people, we need a railway systems; one can cover about 20 km (12 mi) running through all three district starting from Kimara, ubungo, Buguruni, kurasini, city center, Moroco, mwenge, and then going back to kimara. This will cover the line of both Temeke,Ilala, and Kinondoni district
For the public transportation in Dar es salaam, people need to use tickets or coins or mostly "smart ticket" system with a chip inside, this will help to brings many savings and free connections between different types of public transportation. The use of the smart ticket will help to control the price of transportation and I am sure, over 60% of passengers will love this system.
This system will benefit both, transporters and passengers
I total gree with you both. The city rail it can has a capacity of about 70 thousand passengers per hour, one way and this can be used on busy time "during rush hour".
Mwenyekit i like your postings because most has something to do about shaping our country.
Keep it up
My fellow Tanzanians public transport is also very good for the environment. When people use public transport it means that there are fewer cars on the road. With fewer cars on the road there is less pollution created in the world. Another good thing about public transport is the cost. It is very cheap to catch public transport every day and lots of people like public transport better than their cars.
This will reduce the demand for gas which will help to control the price. I am here in new york and most people have cars but they don't drive them all the time. We need to know that cars are there to makes easy for us but it doesnt mean that we can not do anything without car.
Do hizi ndiga zikiletwa kwetu si ndo basi tena. Jk fanya kweli basi najua unaweza.
Kitwana hapa
Watu wewe weweeee. Sasa kama hili ndio linatuleta kutoka lile wanja letu la soka. Ebwanaeee, haya ndio mambo ya mantoni. Kulaleki walai lazima niende huko siku moja. Washikaji tukumbukane basi, mimi nauli poa hila jinsi ya kupita pale getini ndio hivyo tena. najua maoni yangu utoi, naomba iweke basi hii
Maisha bwana. Lile traini letu la njia ya kati nyag'a nyang'a. Kila siku ukienda kumpokea mgeni unaambiwa traini itafika baada ya siku nne kutokana na matatizo yaliyojitokeza njiani katika maeneo ya itigi. Wenzetu lao kama dege vile.
Nchi za wenzetu wanajua kupangilia mambo yao, pia sheria za nchi zinafuatwa sio mambo ya hapa mtu anapelekwa shirika furani lifilisika basi anaamishiwa jingine. Ulaya serikali zina nguvu pia unapoteuliwa kuendesha shirika utendaji wako mzuri ndio unaokuweka kazini.
Kitu kingine wenzetu bosi anashirikiana na wafanyakazi wote na hauwezi kujua kama yeye ni bosi maada wao hawana majigambo kama mibosi ya kwetu.
Si umeona juzi shirika la ndege serikali imeto pesa na uogozi umebakia vile vile ukiuliza utaambiwa nkurugenzi anaouzoefu. Sasa sijuai ilikuwaje mpaka shirika likafilisika mikononi mwake kama anauzoefu wa kutosha. Mambo yote yanayotokea hapa kwetu ni sisi wenyewe.
Mwenyekiti kama sikosei hii treni pia inapita karibu na University of Houston(kwenye kibao UH-Downtown)hivyo wanafunzi wengi wanaitumia.
Je nyumbani Tanzania haya mambo hayajulikani?
A nation's transportation system is a critical underpinning to the productivity of its economy, the well-being of its communities, and the quality of life of its people.
That's why most developed country spend most of their tax dollars in building I-ways and improving the railway system
I don't know why we have traffic in the city of Dar es salaal and else where.
In New York City and Northeastern New Jersey have the highest transit ridership in the nation with more than six million people using the system every day.
New York City Transit estimates that, without transit, traffic in Manhattan’s Central Business District would double, adding more than 500,000 cars to the roadway.
In New Jersey, more than 750,000 daily trips are taken on New Jersey Transit’s bus and rail system helping ease congestion and improving quality of life. More than 800,000 people in the Greater Boston area ride the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s bus, paratransit, light rail, commuter rail and water ferry services every day. The nation's fifth-largest public transportation system, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, carries nearly one million Philadelphia commuters daily, servicing over 2,200 square-miles in Pennsylvania, as well as areas of Delaware and Trenton, New Jersey.
This means in big cities the public transportations are owned by big companies. Not like we do in Tanzania(dala dala). We need them UDA...
New York
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