Kufuatia mfululizo huo wa ajali za barabarani mtandao huu uliwasiliana na viongozi wa serikali ili kujua msimamo wa serikali kuhusu wimbi hilo la ajali za barabarani ambalo linazidi kupoteza watu kadhaa wasiokuwa na hatia. Tulifanikiwa kumpata naibu waziri wa Miundo Mbinu Mh. Ezekiel Ndahani Chibulunje ambae alianza kwa kuelezea mtazamo wake juu ya chanzo cha mfumko huo wa ajali kuwa ni mwendo wa kasi, '' unajua maeneo mengi yanayopata ajali ni yale ambayo barabara zake ni nzuri (kiwango cha rami) ambapo madereva wengi huendesha kwa mwendo wa kasi na inapotokea dharula hushindwa kusimamisha magari na kusabisha ajali''
Akiongea kwa masikitiko makubwa Mh. Chibulunje alisema kuwa serikali kwa upande wake na hasa kupitia wizara yake inajitahidi kuhakikisha kuwa barabara zote zinakuwa na alama zote muhimu ili kumwezesha dereva kuendeshwa kwa usalama.
Akijibu swali kwamba serikali inahakiki vipi usalama wa magali hayo na uwezo wa madereva katika kuyatumia, waziri Chibulunje alisema kwamba hilo ni jukumu la watu usalama wa raia na ndio wanaoweza kulizungumzia zaidi.
Akiendele kutoa maoni yake Mh. Ezekiel Ndahani Chibulunje alisisitiza akiwataka madereva wote nchini kufuata sheria za barabarani na kwamba madereva ni binadamu wenye busara zao na wanapaswa kutumia busara hiyo pale penye mapungufu barabarani.
Alisema kuwa huo sio msimamo wa serikali bali ni mtazamo wake yeye kama Bw. Chibulunje na ikibidi serikali itatoa msimamo wake kupitia wahusika wake.
Ndejembi Michael.

Hili ni bus jingine la Tashriff T768ALW lililopata ajali siku chache zilizopita na kusabisha vifo vya watu 27 na wengine 23 kujeruhiwa vibaya. Ajali hiyo ilitokea Hale wilayani Muheza Mkoani Tanga ilisababishwa na basi hilo kuligonga loli la magogo lililokuwa limeegeshwa pembezoni mwa barabara

Ajali za barabarani zimezidi kuikumba tanzania na kupoteza makumi kadhaa ya watanzania wasio kuwa na hatia, pichani ni gari aina coster mali ya Bonite Bottlers lililoaguka na kuua watu takribani 17, 16 kati yao walikuwa abilia na mmoja kati yao alikuwa utingo wa gari hilo. 14 wengine walijeruhiwa vibaya na wamepelekwa katika hospitali ya mkoa ya Mount Meru Mkoani Arusha.
Mh. Waziri mimi nakubaliana na maelezo yako kuwa sisi wenyewe watumiaji wa bara bara ndio wazembe. Ninavyofaamu waendesha magari wengi wa kitanzania wanapenda kukimbiza magari wanapofika sehemu zenye rami, na kwakuwa serikari yetu inajitaidi sana kujenga bara bara nyigi katika kiwango cha rami basi matatizi yote yanaanzia hapo.
The reason behind the increase in accidents, I would like to say is the lack of law and order in the road. We need to increase the fines for overspeeding. Also we need to increase the sigh of speed limit so drivers can be aware of over speeding
Every driver who is involved in an accident is to be charged under section in driving law of our country, and the driver if found guilty in this regard, need to be fined by the court a maximum amount of let say 1,000,0000 Tsh.
I FEEL that the road accident are increasing day by day because most of our drivers do not qualify for the driving sefty. Our government need to introduce a law which will requre all the commercial driver sto attend class every after one year or two as a training
I FEEL that the road accident are increasing day by day because most of our drivers do not qualify for the driving sefty. Our government need to introduce a law which will requre all the commercial driver sto attend class every after one year or two as a training
Another reason is that almost all the vehicles are insured and the driver is aware that he is not at all liable for any compensation against the injured. It can be compensated by levying a portion of the burden on the part of the driver and the owner by the courts strictly.
The increase of road accidents in tanzania are caused by careless driving which makes tanzania prone to fatal road accidents. Careless driving, combined with drunk driving, speeding and driving defective vehicles, has rendered our a country prone to fatal road accidents.
There nothing to complain about our government, the problem is us tanzanians and we always like to blame the government for everything, which is crazy
what is the main problem of road accidents in tanzania? the road traffic Act of 1973 as amended time to time can reduce the rate of road accidents?.
When involved in a road accident in Tanzania, is there such a charge as 'damage to your own vehicle'? Or is that complete fabrication by Tanzanian police in order to bribe?
Steps to bring down road accidents in tanzan
1.Most important method to bring down accidents is strict enforcement of speed limits. 90% of accidents can be avoided by strict inforcement of speed limit
2.Penalty of say minimum 500,000 Tsh should be imposed on all those who cross speed limit. If this is strictly impremented, no body will dare to go at high limit.
3.Existing speed limit should brought down further.
4.Heavy pnalty for those who cause penalty.
5.Temper proof speed controlers should be made mendatory for all heavry duty truck and buses.
This is what I think will help to reduce the number of accidents in my lovely country Tanzania
Accidents unaffordable so that everyone will be very vigilant. • All those who do not maintain the safe distance for the speed should be punished. • Safety awareness should begin from childhood, as it is difficult to impart awareness to a grown up a human. If safety awareness is imparted at childhood, safety will be a habit.
Mtaalamu wa mambo
My government need to insure the proper maintenance of roads. Permanent contracts / arrangements should be in place for maintaining all roads in good condition 24 hours a day, 365 days an year. If a gutter is repaired in time it can save a life !!!
• Strict enforcement of health of vehicles.
• Periodic eye testing of old aged driving license holders.
• Immediate cancellation of license of drunkard drivers / riders.
• Setting up of Judicial Commissions to monitor steps taken to control road accidents. • Straightening / Widening of roads, .
• Footpaths and medians should be made mandatory for important roads.
Asante sana ccm kwa mtando huu, utatusaidia sana kutoa mawazo yetu
My fellow tanzanians/leaders this is what we need:
Zebra crossings should be provided for pedestrians for safe road crossings at appropriate places. Signals for road crossings at important busy places where a large number of people have to cross the road everyday.
Proper marking of roads and signals.
Humps should be provided at all important places, accident prone areas.
Construction, size and shape of the Humps be scientific. All the Contractors of the Public Works / Other departments should be provided with the details of scientific Hump construction. Humps should be clearly marked, to avoid accidents. Methods of permanent nature should be followed in Hump marking. For example white marble pieces / white color / fluorescent pigment can be included in the mixture ( if scientifically OK).
Ensure that the money recovered as Road Tax is fully utilised for the construction /maintenance of roads.
Restriction of speed at accident prone areas and enactment of stringent traffic rules.also we need an immediate suspension of license of those who are involved the accidents, at least until they prove that they are not guilty. Cancellation of license of those who make serious accidents.
We need a periodic review of accident statistics to understand the effect of actions taken. Corrective steps should be taken based on these review
Nawapongeza CCM kwa mtandao huu. Tanzania tunaitaji mitandao inayosaidia watu kutoa michango yao katika ishu zinazohusu nchi yetu. Tanzania haiwezi kujengwa na mtu yeyote kama sisi hatupo tayari kuonyesha mwamko kwanza.
Asante sana michael na viongozi wenzako.
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